The Passing of the Torch.....


Hello everyone, 
Happy New Year! least from a CSI "new year" point of view that is. That's right the CSI 2024/2025 fiscal year is upon us. It marks the end of a very successful 2023/2024 for CSINext, and in a bittersweet way it marks the end of my role as Chapter President. So, before the official "passing of the torch" to our new Chapter President, I would like to close out my tenure with this short message to the CSINext Board of Directors and chapter members...

THANK YOU to the CSINext Chapter Board of Directors - Kathryn Marek, Daniel Hargreaves, Thad Goodman, Staci Seyer, Lane Beougher, and Luana Buratynski for your continued and unwavering commitment to this chapter, to CSI, and support through these last 2 years. No matter the challenge each of you were always willing to jump in and help, lend an ear, or offer suggestions, and for that I am truly appreciative. The lessons in leadership continue to make an impact both within and outside of CSI. Thank you for your confidence, trust, and allowing me to be part of the continued success of this chapter. You have all become trusted friends and colleagues! 

To the members of this very unique group of "CSI'ers", I would like to thank each and everyone of you around the world that continue to be a CSI member and a member of CSINext.  We are truly a "chapter without borders". When I joined this chapter over 10 years ago it was still in it's infancy. It has been remarkable to watch this chapter grow its membership core, capability, and expand its offerings to provide a unique experience for its' members. CSINext now reaches over 24 states in the US, 14 different countries, 2 US Territories, and 7 Canadian Provinces. That is incredible. Thank you for supporting this chapter and thank you for being a member of CSI!

I'm not going far, I will be taking on the role of Past President for the next year, continuing to support the chapter board as needed, the incoming Chapter President, and President Elect. It has truly be an honor and a pleasure to be part of this incredible group of people.

In the upcoming Olympics the open ceremonies will have the "lighting of the torch". At CSINext, we are officially "passing the torch". 

With that being said, I would like to introduce you to your new Chapter President - Luana Buratynski. Luana hails from the Toronto, Canada area and brings a tremendous amount leadership capability and energy to the table. A member of CSINext, a chapter board member for several years, and recognized numerous time for her work with the "National Association for Women in Construction" I have no doubt this chapter will continue to prosper and provide and impactful experience for it's members. 

Luana - here are the keys! Folks - time buckle up...we're off and running!!!!

Till next time, 

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CSINext September 2024 (October) Meeting
Coming Down The Home Stretch....


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