CSINext 2022 / 2023 is Here!!


Hello everyone and welcome to the CSINext 22 / 23 year!  Hoping everyone had a safe and happy 4th of July. 

For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Mark Ogg, and I will be serving as your CSINext Chapter President for this upcoming year.  I have been a CSI and CSINext member since 2013. 

Before we get too far along I would like to thank a couple of very important people:  

First is Kathryn Marek, CSINext Past President, for leading the Chapter through the craziness of 2020 as Chapter President and then agreeing to do it again in 2021.  I don’t know if that falls under the definition of insanity or not…but regardless THANK YOU Kathryn for your hard work and dedication to this Chapter and I look forward to your insight in helping me through my journey at the wheel of the ship. 

Secondly, I would like to thank Bob LeClare – who has been an instrumental member of the Chapter Board for the last few years.  Bob, your insight and ability to bring us all back down to earth and remain calm will be missed!  But we know you are not far away! 

Nothing like jumping into the deep into of the pool and getting involved with CSINext…I would also like to extend a very big welcome to Staci Seyer, one of our newest CSINext Chapter members, and our newest member of the Board.  Staci will serve in a director role, and we are very happy to have her!  Congratulations and Welcome Staci!!!

One of the things I love about CSINext is no matter what the challenge, this Chapter always finds a way to make it all happen.  And with all the craziness going on in the world around us, I have full confidence that our Board of Directors and most importantly our Chapter members and sponsors will continue to make it happen and make it happen again and again.  

This month the Board will be meeting for its’ virtual Annual Planning Retreat and already I can tell you there are a lot of lot of great topics already on the agenda.  So, if you have anything you would like to see as a potential monthly program, a sponsorship opportunity, suggestions, concerns, or if you are interested in becoming involved in the Chapter reach out to a Board member and we would be happy to speak with you!

Again…thank you for the opportunity to serve as your Chapter President and I am looking forward to a great year!

Talk to you all again soon in August!!!!



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Plan the Work and Work the Plan
CSINext June 2022 Meeting
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