Happy Fall


Dear CSINext Valued Members,
As the new season approaches, I’d like to take this opportunity to formally introduce myself as your new Chapter President. Thank you for your continued support of our chapter and the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) at large.

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The Passing of the Torch.....


Hello everyone, 
Happy New Year! Well...at least from a CSI "new year" point of view that is. That's right the CSI 2024/2025 fiscal year is upon us. It marks the end of a very successful 2023/2024 for CSINext, and in a bittersweet way it marks the end of my role as Chapter President. So, before the official "passing of the torch" to our new Chapter President, I would like to close out my tenure with this short message to the CSINext Board of Directors and chapter members...

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Coming Down The Home Stretch....


Greetings everyone! It's been a minute or two, and like the title above - CSINext is heading down the home stretch of fiscal year 23/24. As we approach the end of the "CSI Year" and  beginning of the summer months it is with great anticipation that we are beginning to plan for CSINext's 24/25 year. More to come on that in the next couple of months...but let's take a look at what has been coming down the stretch with CSINext of late...

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Love Is In The Air at CSINext!


February....interesting month February can be. While the month is typically short (although this year is a leap year we get that one extra day), it is typically the longest month of the year around these parts - or at least it feels like it because it just seems to drag on. But, optimism abounds! We hope the ground hog brings us an early spring, the winter is close to coming to an end, and most of all February is known for having "love in the air".  And there are two things I absolutely LOVE  about CSINext this time of year....

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Holiday Wishes & a Happy New Year to All!


Hello everyone, warm Holiday Greetings from the crew here at CSINext! 

As we are all very busy during this time of year, just wanted to take a quick minute to thank each of our chapter sponsors, the CSINext Board of Directors, and our chapter members for making the first half of the 23/24 CSI year a rousing success!

Just last week we completed our "Don't Get Your Tinsle in a Tangle" December chapter program which offered four separate 1hr. sessions covering AIA documents, Specifying LEED within projects, Pre-cast concrete wall applications, and a case study of a Low Carbon Concrete application. The programs were specifically geared to LU's and HSW credits - which are typically heavily sought after towards end of the calendar year. With over 72 attendees we made sure any "procrastinating shoppers" had stocking stuffers for their professional credit programs. Thanks to everyone who participated! We have received great feedback and are looking at doing another group of session next year!

Chapter membership continues to grow and we are seeing a lot of "new to CSI" members join us as well which is even more exciting!

January 17th, 2024 at 12pm Eastern US CSINext will conduct its first monthly program of 2024 presented to by chapter sponsor AWI! Those of you who have attended AWI's presentations in years past know this is a can't miss. Keep an eye out on the CSINext website for sign up info!

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There Is A Season...Turn...Turn...Turn...


Well folks, it is that time of year again - the summer months have waned off, fall has set in, and we are fast approaching the official start of the "Holiday Season". And with that come scents of fresh baked pies, yule logs in the fireplace, and the tradition of spending time with family, loved ones, friends and neighbors. In the immortal words of the Byrd’s..."There is season...turn turn turn". 

As in years past at this time, I always take time to reflect to what I am thankful for this time of year with life in general, but also with this chapter and CSI. I am going to focus on the latter this month. 

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Turning the World on With a Smile!!!

Mary Tyler Moor Statue Minneapolis

Greetings everyone!

Hope everyone is smiling as much as we are here at CSINext! Fresh back from the CSI National Conference in Minneapolis, I would be remiss without paying homage to one of the great TV shows of my childhood, the Mary Tyler Moore Show, which took place in Minneapolis. 
For those that don't know, the show centered around Mary Tyler Moore who worked in a fictional local news room, facing numerous challenges typical for the time. The show appealed to an audience facing the new trials of the early modern 1970's. And as the theme song asks..."who can turn the world on with a smile?". That would be CSINext...because we have a lot to smile about! 

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They Are At The Post!.......


Annnnndddd we’re off!

That’s right folks, it is May.  And when the first Saturday in May rolls around it is time for the Kentucky Derby, what could be considered the most famous horse race in the world.  Hundreds of thousands of people, from around the world gather, in Louisville, Kentucky the first weekend of May to take part in festivities and watch what has been dubbed “The Run for the Roses” and the “Most Exciting Two Minutes in Sports.” So, who do I think is going to win this year’s Derby?  Well…if I was a betting man (and I am), I would place a “Boxed Superfecta” (4 horses to finish 1,2,3,4 in any order) bet on CSINext! No folks, I haven’t lost my mind….

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Hello everyone, Spring as arrived, baseball season is underway, and to borrow a cliché’ from former Cincinnati Reds great and Hall of Fame announcer Joe Nuxhall we here at CSINext are “rounding third and heading for home.”

That is right folks CSINext is getting ready to slide “Charlie Hustle” style, headfirst into the last quarter of the CSI fiscal. And what a trip around the bases it has been this year! We have really "hit it outta the park" as they say!

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March Madness Is Here - Time for Cheer & Green Beer!!!


Well folks March is here; the winter cold is slowly moving out giving us a start to some very warm days and the opportunity to mingle with those who are coming out of hibernation.  As the saying goes, LET THE MADNESS BEGIN!

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Special Delivery for CSINext!


Roses are red, violets are blue, boy I wish winter was over don’t you? Slowly we are getting there folks, while February may be ripe with sounds of snowplows and shovels for some, the sounds of cheers, jeers, and ripped up college basketball brackets is just around the corner in March. 

Speaking of around the corner…I hear the beeping sound of a delivery truck (OSHA compliant of course) backing up to the CSINext dock for a delivery.

Well would you look at that?  A large box from the “Programs Department,” and one from “Certification Preparation.” Well, why wait…lets open these bad boys up and see what we have.

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Happy New Year & Welcome to CSINext 2023!


Happy New Year folks and welcome to 2023!

Hoping everyone in the CSINext family had a safe and joyous Holiday season!

Taking a quick look back at 2022, what a great year it was here at CSINext.  Our membership grew to over 120 members from within the United States and around the world, we had several members achieve their CSI professional certifications, we collaborated with Columbus State Community College to present the CSI CDT Bootcamp, Margaret Fischer of the Architectural Woodwork Institute knocked it out of the park with the AWI Casework Storage Standard presentation in December to finish out the year, and our Chapter sponsors continue to grow and support us in making CSINext one of the most unique and noted Chapters within CSI.

With all that, you are probably wondering if 2023 can top it right? The answer is a resounding YES. 

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Being Thankful, Pumpkin Pie, & CDT Bootcamp


Hello again everyone, is it already November?

Yes it is…and exciting times continue here at CSINext!

Here in the United States, we are at the beginning of the holiday season, and it all starts November 24th when we celebrate Thanksgiving.  Way back in the 1600’s, this traditional gathering, started by early colonists, celebrates life’s blessings.  It is always a time of gatherings, celebration, and indulging in way too much pumpkin pie – but nonetheless it kicks off one of the most joyous times of the year.  So, this month, we here at CSINext celebrate you…our Chapter Members.  Without you and your support of not only CSI and CSINext, none of what we share here would be possible. May you and your families have a joyous and safe start to the holiday season wherever you may be!

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Lots of Treats in store for CSINext!!!


Hello again everyone, and welcome to October! The fall season is upon us here at CSINext, and as we begin to put away the summer we are equally getting ready for the upcoming Holiday and winter season.  As Halloween is approaching, CSINext has made sure our members have more treats than tricks! Let’s dig into the candy bucket and see what we have on tap…..

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Programs, Cool Stuff, and Conferences


As I mentioned last month, even though summer is winding down CSINext is winding up.  Last week CSINext held its first virtual Chapter Meeting of the year.  We had great attendance and Chris Bennett of Bennett Build presented “Building Bad Slabs: How to increase costs and reduce quality in polished concrete slabs.” Chris is a well-known expert in the world of concrete construction and surface applications and his presentations never disappoint.  Thank You Chris and well done!!

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Certifications, Programs, & a Hack!


Hello again everyone, hope your summer continues to be a great one! As Summer begins to wind down – CSINext is winding up! Last month, I mentioned your Chapter Board held its annual planning session for the upcoming year, and since that meeting things have really been moving forward, not only on the Chapter Business front but the Chapter Member front as well.

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CSINext 2022 / 2023 is Here!!


Hello everyone and welcome to the CSINext 22 / 23 year!  Hoping everyone had a safe and happy 4th of July. 

For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Mark Ogg, and I will be serving as your CSINext Chapter President for this upcoming year.  I have been a CSI and CSINext member since 2013. 

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Welcome to a Virtual Message

Hey there, everyone! Kathryn Marek here, your new CSINext President. 

I know, 2020 is turning out to be a heck of a year. And in a funny way, I can’t think of a better time to be President of CSINext. 

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Closing 2020

The world turned upside down in March with COVID-19 sweeping the globe.

CSI Institute and CSI Chapters across the country scrambled to go virtual and find their place to communicate with home-based employees.

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COIVD-19. Changes Coming.

The reports of how construction is moving today during the Covid-19 pandemic are varied.

Many segments are full speed ahead, others are shut down from state and local government.

Hospital work and the manufacturers that support it have kicked it up a notch or two or three.

What our business will look like after this event is uncertain.

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CSINext Latest News