June 2018 - CSINext - Does It Again!! What Year!!!

Hello everyone, and Happy Summer!

As the CSI year winds down, I would like to take just a few seconds and thank each and every one of you for your continued involvement in CSI and the especially CSINext Chapter.

To all of the chapter members, Committee Chairs, and Board Members I would like to thank you for the tremendous experience it was to lead the chapter this year.

To our Chapter Sponsors Allegion, Behr Corporation, National Gypsum, and Accustudio without your continued support and involvement the Chapter none of this would be possible.

We are the only virtual chapter in CSI  folks….and boy are we ever getting noticed! Word of mouth travels and we have added new members every month. Our monthly programs continue to evolve with the current trends and hot topics in the industry, and the attendance and involvement from you at the monthly programs has been excellent!

Next year, Mr. Michael Young will be the captain of the CSINext ship. I am quite certain I leave you in good hands, Michael has been in and around CSI for many years and is fantastic individual. There will be some new faces in and around the Chapter Board & Committee Chairs next year—more info on that to come in the coming weeks! Rest assured the crew is strong and ready to go!

So what is in store for June? This month our program will be presented by one of our longtime sponsors Allegion. Keep an eye out for the monthly newsletter and information on how to sign up!

And don’t forget registration for CONSTRUCT October 3-5, 2018 in Long Beach, CA is now open! I’m signed up and can’t wait for some of the educational sessions and to connect again with all the people I have met from previous conventions. If you haven’t been you are missing out. As always, CSINext will have a Chapter meet-n-greet at the CSI Booth during the show. Keep an eye out for the date and time, meet your Chapter Board, meet other members, bring new members along, and as always there will be the group picture!

So with all of that, I bid you farewell as this years Chapter President. May your travels during the summer be safe and I hope to see all of you at CONSTRUCT!



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DIY – The Work Bench
CSINext June 2018 Meeting
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