Get’r Done

One of the nice things about getting ‘more seasoned’ in my career is being able to pace myself. Last week began my tunnel vision for a deadline approaching next Thursday. While this will be a short Blog, for the next couple of days I need to stay focused.

  2934 Hits

CSINext April 2018 Anniversaries

Each of the following members joined CSI in March. CSINext is please to congratulate the following CSI members on their continued membership.

  • 1 Year - Cynthia O Wright, CSI, AIA
  • 2 Years - Barbara Taylor, CSI-EP
  • 5 Years - William Kwasniak, CSI, CDT
  • 7 Years - Andrea Dinice, CSI, CDT, AIA, ASID, DBIA, LEED GA, USGBC

We would like to do a shout out to William Kwasniak, CSI, CDT for celebrating 5 years with CSI! 

Once again, really appreciate everyone's continued membership in CSI.

  1208 Hits

Welcome CSINext New Members!

CSINext continues to grow! We had another new member join in March. CSINext is please to welcome the following CSI member on joining CSI & CSINext.

  • David Graham, CSI - March 2018


  1202 Hits


I recently came back from a site observation. Now this was no ordinary observation. My office is in Tucson, AZ and the project is in Gallup, NM. To put it in perspective, it is about a 7 hour drive. One question I always get is, why don’t you fly? The main reason is time, the closest airport is in Albuquerque, which is about 2 hours away. Not too bad, but there are not any direct flights from Tucson to Albuquerque. So, between the flight, and rental car drive, it is close to 8 hours. So it ends up being about the same amount of time, and with the long drive I get to stay caught up on my Podcast. But what I really wanted to talk about is the Site Observation.

  2880 Hits

I’m a big kid now - Part 3

How many of us remember our senior year of high school? For most, this is a rite of passage. We leave behind our parents and depending on the life choice even our friends. My parents had moved me from one school district to another. Starting in 9th grade, I had to make new friends. I can only imagine what it must be like for the children of military parents. Moving every couple of years. But I was lucky enough that my Dad was no longer in the Air Force by the time I was born. Moving was rare for me, it was only the third time in my life. But let’s get back to high school. 

  2852 Hits

CSI National Elections - Voting Now Open!

Hello everyone,

Just wanted to let everyone know the voting ballots for the CSI's National Elections are now open on the Institute's website.

Be sure and vote!!



  1373 Hits

I’m a big kid now - Part 2

It was just a little over 40 years ago that I set my sights on being an Architect. Well, at age 13, I’m not sure what the profession was that involved drafting. I just knew that I really wanted to be a drafter. My parents moved during the summer between my 8th and 9th grade. The structure of the new school district had 9th grade in the middle school. So, classes were still selected for the student. Just like my 8th grade experience there was 4 weeks of mechanical drafting in wood shop. Wood shop was only one semester, so there was a lot crammed into that class.

  2770 Hits

I’m a big kid now - Part 1

I was thinking about the day I knew I wanted to be an Architect. I really didn’t know what it meant, but there was something stirring inside me that brought me down this path. As a ‘little’ kid, I had the same dreams as anyone else. By little kid, I’m talking 6 or 7 years old. My earliest memory is wanted to be an astronaut or scientist. I loved looking up at the stars and was fascinated with space travel. I was 5 when man landed on the moon and I watch every moon landing with my family.

  2715 Hits

Call For Officers - CSINext Chapter

 Well folks it is that time…this is the official Call for Officers for the CSINext Chapter!!

The CSINext Board has (3) openings this year:

  • (1)    President Elect (1st year Pres. Elect / 2nd year President)
  • (1)    Director (2 Year)
  • (1)    Treasurer (2 Year)
  1359 Hits

Who’s Sick

I don’t know if it is my age or environment. But I use to rarely get sick, now in the span of 6 months, I got hit with this crude going around not once, but twice. Both times have been right after I flew back from Dallas. Maybe I’m just allergic to Dallas and it becomes a cold. Actually, I remember the first time. I was sitting on the plane and the person behind me cough on the back of my head. I was thinking to myself as my hair moved…. ‘Dude, cover your mouth’.

  2868 Hits

Let's go running

I'm starting the fourth week of this blog. The next couple of weeks are going to be real busy, with work and some personal stuff. I'm going to skip a couple of days and plan to get back on schedule by April. You will still see these twice a week, no need to worry. I ended last week while I was in Dallas, finding some extra time to share what was going on. The trip was fun, great to see old friends, but it is good to be back home in Tucson. While I was in Dallas, I presented to the Dallas CSI chapter my accessibility program. Seems appropriate since I just wrote about my experience in a wheel chair.

  3021 Hits

The Cloud

I'm a day behind, but it will make some sense in a moment. It has been great spending a couple of days in Dallas. I just got back from visiting my son and his girlfriend. She is really sweet and hopefully my son is smart enough to keep her around. But I didn't want to focus on the people I have seen, but on an observation. While I was driving back on the Bush Turnpike, I notice a truck next me. It was just a regular Ford F150, simple and white with one of the magnets on the side.

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The Accessible Route

I'm on my way to Dallas, to give a presentation on the Accessible Restroom. It got me thinking about an odd request or unique experience from a client several years ago. We were doing the substantial completion on a short term living quarters (government term for apartment building). At some point it dawned on the client that I'm a Registered Accessibility Specialist (RAS). It's a Texas thing, I'm not sure why other states have not jumped on a similar band wagon. The client wanted me to put the ADA to the test. 

  2811 Hits


Hello everyone, hope this month’s Presidents Message reaches each of you in good spirits!  Spring is right around the corner and for those of us here in the Midwest….it cannot get here fast enough!  This winter was a rough one.  But hey…it is March…and time for March Madness.  Speaking of madness let me give you an update of the crazy goings on here at CSINext!

  1400 Hits

Get the Picture

A picture is worth a 1,000 words. We all have heard this saying, it goes back to 1918 in a newspaper advertisement in the San Antonio Light. An older version dating back to 1911 "On picture. It's worth a thousand words" by a newspaper editor Tess Flanders. Not quite as eloquent, but you get the picture. No pun intended… Fast forward 100 years and I'm in the business of pictures.

  2545 Hits

The Meeting

I remember when I started in this business, a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away (yes, I'm stealing the intro from Star Wars). I got to work in a bubble. I did my drafting, ran the blue line print machine or delivered drawings. Life was simple, but I would look up and all of the managers were gone. Being the only drafter, sometimes the entire office was gone. Where were they? They went to a meeting, but if I had a question and no one was to be found what would I do?

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CSINext March 2018 Meeting

Greetings! We will be conducting our March Chapter Meeting and the presentation will be "The Value of Paint" Presented by Mike Murphy CSI, CCPR NACE 1 with Behr Paint. Mark your calendars for March 14th at 12:00pm EDT. We look forward to having you attend this free webinar, register today as space is limited!

  1423 Hits

CSINext March 2018 Anniversaries

Each of the following members joined CSI in March. CSINext is please to congratulate the following CSI members on their continued membership.

  • 1 Year - Hal Waldo, CSI-S
  • 2 Year - Vandna Mittal, CSI-EP
  • 4 Years - Brian Stephens, CSI-EP, CCCA
  • 5 Years - Mark Hagopian, CSI
  • 6 Years - Randall Watterson, CSI, CDT
  • 18 Years - Daniel Hargreaves, FCSI, CDT, AIA, RAS

We would like to do a shout out to Mark Hagopian, CSI for celebrating 5 years with CSI! 

Once again, really appreciate everyone's continued membership in CSI.

  1366 Hits


No, my keyboard did not have melt down. It is old English meaning the day of the Anglo-Saxon goddess Fríge. But we state it today as "It's Friday!" Well, not really. But we get excited about the "Friday" if you work a typical job. I'm taking a little diversion from my blog and focusing on a random thought (get use to it, it won't be the last time). The days of the week have an interesting history. At one point the Roman calendar had 8 days a week. Which, I would be OK with if we had a 3-day weekend. But in the US, we would probably have a 6-day work week, not so good.

  3038 Hits

How much is that doggy in the window?

Most of my work in architecture is new projects, ground up construction. In my previous life, I did a fair amount of remodel work. With government work, typically I have to pull together a cost estimate during the design. There are several types of cost estimates I do. Even when contracts under way, the government wants a general idea if a change from the contractor is fair and reasonable. Last week I was working on a change order presented by the contractor which was caused by an unforeseen condition.

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