CSINext February 2018 Meeting

Greetings! We will be conducting our February Chapter Meeting and the presentation will be "Advantages of Using Cover Boards in Low-Slope Roofing Assemblies" Presented by Warren Barber, CSI, CDT, LEED GA with National Gypsum. Mark your calendars for Febraury  14th at 12:00pm EST. We look forward to having you attend this free webinar, register today as space is limited!

  1487 Hits

Roster Review

Each month I review the roster provided by Institute. I'm looking for the new members and each member's anniversary date for the month. This month, January 2018 stood out. We had a new member who joined CSI in 1979. Next year will be Mr Terrence Lunn, PE, FCSI, CCS 40th anniversary with CSI! This got me to dig a little deeper into the roster.

  1485 Hits

CSINext January 2018 Anniversaries

Each of the following members joined CSI in January. CSINext is please to congratulate the following CSI members on their continued membership.

  • 1 Year - Nicholas Bolton, CSI, CDT
  • 6 Years - Ganapathy Nagasubramaniam, CSI, CCS, LEED AP, M. Arch
  • 13 Years - Keith Robinson, FCSI, CSC, FCSC, LEED AP, RSW
  • 27 Years - William Rains Jr., CSI, CDT
  • 33 Years - Lee Orosco, FCSI, CCS
  • 39 Years - Terrence Lunn, PE, FCSI, CCS

Special recognition for Mr. Terrance Lunn, PE, FCSI, CCS... He has wears the honor of two hats. Not only has he become our longest standing member in CSI of the Chapter, but also has joined CSINext just last week. A special congratulations and welcome!

  2200 Hits

Welcome CSINext New Members!

CSINext continues to grow! CSINext is please to welcome the following CSI members on joining CSI & CSINext.

  • Todd Hansen, CSI, CDT - December 2017
  • Terrence Lunn, PE, FCSI, CCS - January 2018

  1398 Hits

CSINext December 2017 Anniversaries

Each of the following members joined CSI in December. CSINext is please to congratulate the following CSI members on their continued membership.

  • 23 Years - Edgardo Cruz, CSI, CDT, M. Arch
  • 28 Years - Kent Kile, FCSI, CCPR

  1439 Hits

CSINext December 2017 Meeting

Greetings! We will be conducting our December Chapter Meeting and the presentation will be "Inside the Mind of the Specifier" Presented by Paul Gerber, CSC, CSI. Mark your calendars for December  14th at 12:00pm EST. We look forward to having you attend this free webinar, register today as space is limited!

  1505 Hits

Welcome CSINext New Members!

CSINext continues to grow! CSINext is please to welcome the following CSI members on joining CSI & CSINext.

  • John Koessler, CSI - October 2017
  • Kevin Tish, CSI, AHC - November 2017
  • Frank Fuller, FCSI - November 2017

  1416 Hits

CSINext November 2017 Anniversaries

Each of the following members joined CSI in November. CSINext is please to congratulate the following CSI members on their continued membership.

  • 1 Year - Jason Kamihira, CSI, CDT, B. Arch, LEED AP, USGBC
  • 11 Years - Jori Smith, CSI, CDT, LEED AP
  • 21 Years - F. Drucilla Brookshire, CSI, CCCA

  1450 Hits

Welcome CSINext New Members!

CSINext continues to grow! CSINext is please to welcome the following CSI members on joining CSI & CSINext.

  • Mr. Mazen Najar, BS, MBA, CSI, PMP - October 2017

  1364 Hits

CSINext October 2017 Anniversaries

Each of the following members joined CSI in October. CSINext is please to congratulate the following CSI members on their continued membership.

  • 2 Year - Jeffrey Mosley, CSI
  • 9 Years - Jon Lattin, BS, MS, CSI, CCPR
  • 22 Years - Lynn Javoroski, FCSI, Member Emeritus, CCS, LEED AP, SCIP
  • 25 Years - Michael Young, CSI, CCCA
  • 27 Years - Robert Dye, FCSI, CCS, CCCA, LEED AP, RRC
  • 31 Years - Helaine Robinson, CSI, CCS, CCCA, SCIP

  1448 Hits

Welcome CSINext New Members!

CSINext continues to grow. CSINext is please to welcome the following CSI members on joining CSI & CSINext.

  • Andrea Dinice, CSI, CDT, AIA, ASID, DBIA, LEED GA, USGBC - March 2017
  • Lenee Hicks, CSI-EP - September 2017
  • Mr. Jon Lattin, BS, MS, CSI, CCPR - September 2017
  • Mr. J.W. Mollohan, FCSI, CCPR, LEED GA - September 2017

  1944 Hits

CSINext October 2017 Meeting

Greetings! We will be conducting our October Chapter Meeting and the presentation will be "Subterranean Termites: Below Slab Protection Methodologies" Presented by Dennis Keane. Mark your calendars for October 11th at 12:00pm EDT. We look forward to having you attend this free webinar, register today as space is limited!

  1645 Hits

CSINext September 2017 Meeting

Greetings! We will be conducting our September Chapter Meeting and the presentation will be "MGH Commissioning" Presented by Mark Hayden. Mark your calendars for September 20th at 12:00pm EDT. We look forward to having you attend this free webinar, register today as space is limited!

  1501 Hits

CSINext August 2017 Anniversaries

Each of the following members joined CSI in August. CSINext is please to congratulate the follow CSI members on their continued membership.

  • 1 Year - Ibrahim Tawfik, CSI, CDT
  • 5 Years - Robert LeClare, CSI, CDT
  • 8 Years - Rachel Grissop, CSI, CDT
  • 26 Years - Ann Baker, RA, FCSI, CCS, CCCA, LEED AP, SCIP

  1335 Hits

Welcome CSINext New Members!

CSINext continues to grow. CSINext is please to welcome the following CSI members on joining CSI & CSINext.

  • Mr. Hal Waldo, CSI-S - March 2017
  • Ms. Cynthia O Wright, CSI, AIA - April 2017
  • Mr. Jeffrey Saunier, CSI-EP - May 2017
  • Ms. Amy Spanos, CSI-S - June 2017

  1327 Hits

CSINext May 2017 Meeting

Greetings! We will be conducting our May Chapter Meeting and the presentation will be "Krakow: From Castles to Ikeas" Presented by Robert Huserik, RA, CSI, CDT. Mark your calendars for May 24th at 12:00pm EDT. We look forward to having you attend this free webinar, register today as space is limited!

  1468 Hits

Member Orientation 2017

Starting this year the CSINext Chapter will have a Members Orientation event. It is good way for us to meet you and for you to learn about all of the benefits you can take advantage of with your membership. This is a unique as we will also be digging into the the heart and soul of CSINext, the web site and its social aspects. Take this opportunity to learn more about CSI and CSINext.

Traditionally these have been geared towards New Members. However, this is a great opportunity for old and new members alike, to meet the board, find out about opportunities to get involved with CSINext, and how to take advantage of membership opportunities nationally. Plus, we will do a behind the scenes of what is the CSINext Virtual experience at www.csinext.org. Please, click the link below to RSVP. We look forward to having you attend this free webinar!

Construction Specifications Institute
CSINext Chapter
Member Orientation April 2017 Meeting

Meeting Date: April 26, 2017
Meeting Time: 12:00pm EDT
Meeting RSVP: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6796041070961785858
Webinar ID: 988-933-283


  1406 Hits

CSINext April 2017 Meeting

Greetings! We will be conducting our April Chapter Meeting and the presentation will be "The Value of Paint" Presented by Merrilou Peek with Behr Paint. Mark your calendars for April 12th at 12:00pm EDT. We look forward to having you attend this free webinar, register today as space is limited!

Construction Specifications Institute
CSINext Chapter
April 2017 Meeting

Meeting Date: April 12, 2017
Meeting Time: 12:00pm EDT 
Meeting  RSVP: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3389916775785423361
Webinar ID: 119-182-571

SpeakerMerrlou Peek with Behr Paint

A lively discussion on most of the elements that go into the manufacture of paints. Comparisons on durability of different types, as well as color and gloss retention. Also discussed will be VOCs in paint, where they come from, and what makes a paint low or zero VOC. There are some important lessons to be learned regarding the specification of paint.

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  1370 Hits

CSINext March Anniversaries

The following members joined CSI in March. CSINext is please to congratulate the following CSI members on their continued membership!

  • 1 Year - Firas Al Sharairi Sr., CSI, CCM, CMC
  • 1 Year - Vandna Mittal, CSI-EP
  • 3 Years - Brian Stephens, CSI-EP, CCCA
  • 4 Years - Mark Hagopian, CSI
  • 17 Years - Daniel Hargreaves, FCSI, CDT

  1399 Hits

Welcome CSINext New Members!

CSINext continues to grow. CSINext is please to welcome the following CSI members on joining CSI & CSINext this fiscal year.

  • Mr. Ibrahim  Tawfik, CSI, CDT - August 2016
  • Mr. Jason Kamihira, CSI, CDT, B. Arch, LEED AP, USGBC - November 2016
  • Mr. Nicholas Bolton, CSI - January 2017
  • Mr. Ric Doedens, CSI - February 2017

  1332 Hits

CSINext Latest News