Join CSINext

Join CSINext

Interested in joining CSI and the CSINext Chapter? The CSI web site has an online application or you can download the PDF, print the form and mail it to CSI. A home chapter is included as part of your CSI membership. Designate CSINext on the front of the application. If one is not chosen, the home chapter will be assigned based on your address.

CSI Website
CSI online member application
CSI PDF application

Enroll online at


Professional: $375
I am a technically experienced individual whose primary function is to author, manage, or communicate building information; to create, interpret, or use construction documents; or to educate, support, or assist the construction industry.

Emerging Professional: $200*
I am an individual who has less than three years experience in any construction-related field and am a prospective Professional Member.

Student: $70*
I am a full-time student enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program in a construction industry curriculum at an educational institution.

All payments are handle directly by Institute.

*Emerging Professional membership is limited to three years, at which time members must renew at the Professional level.

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