HAPPY NEW YEAR CSINext & Welcome to 2018!
We have been busy behind the scenes at CSINext. We had our chapter meeting with a good turn out last November and the meeting is just around the corner in February (tenative date is February 16th). The chapter is officially incorporated and in the final stages of setting up the bank account. We continue to have member growth with our current chapter membership at 22.We held our CSINext board meeting on December 21, 2010 and the next one is scheduled for February.
It's about the journey
Just as you thought CSINext may have flat lined, it is still very much alive. We just had our November Chapter meeting and the next one is scheduled for January 19th. But I’m mainly writing this message to share a long journey that ends with “very good news”.
President’s Message - November 2014
You may be asking yourself… why is this site keep changing? Two simple words ‘Virtual Chapter’. Or in geek speak, Social Network. The site is built on Joomla!, it is nothing more than CMS (Content Management System). But that is only the beginning we need to expand on the member experience. The interface has been updated for a fresh look that makes it much easier to navigate. As web site grows, we need to make sure that content is easy to find. The result is using a very popular layout template JA Purity.
Chapter Meeting 11/17/10
It is getting closer to the next chapter meeting! The topic will be Specifications: Can Less Be Enough? presented by John R Guill AIA, CSI, CCS, CCA, SCIP. The meeting will be held on it in November 17, 2010 at 2:00pm ET via a webinar. Space is limited. Reserve your Webinar seat now at: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/532208553
How much is that doggy in the window?
Greetings fellow charter members of CSINext. We are excited to get CSINext rolling, the chapter board has begun meeting on a regular basis taking care of the procedural and operational business issues. Keeping with institute bylaws, the chapter needs to hold its Charter meeting. To accomplish this we will be doing it virtually via a webinar setup. Mark your calendars for April 9th at 4:00pm EDT. We look forward to having you attend.
Here is a simple way to try out the comments section... Login, click on the Write comment of this article. Look at the last posted comment, which should be a single word. Then you write your comment which would be the first word that pops into your head. (borrowed from another site;) I WILL START...
Editors Note: This was a very early post and the word play it lasted a couple of days. Here is the original List:
- American - by dkh007
- Patriot - by cynbel
- Warrior - by lynnj
- Samurai - by lane@beougher
- Japonica - by lynnj
- Audacious! - by olargyle
Welcome CSINext New Members!
The holidays are over and it is time for a changing of the guard… digital guard that is. At the November 17, 2009 Board Meeting, the Institute Board chartered the first virtual chapter. CSINext is the brain child of CSI Member Brent Williams. With social media storming through the internet like wild fire, CSINext is the next evolution of the CSI chapter. You may be familiar with Blogging, Facebook, and Twitter which is social networking. This is where CSINext comes in, taking the traditional chapter model to the digital world via social networking. Basically, allowing access to potential CSI members all over the world.
CSINext February 2016 Meeting
What you talkin’ about Willis? Just a little throw back from the 70’s… CSINext has implemented Private Messaging (PM) and Article Comments. Each of these will help to expand the Virtual Chapter experience. One of the key strengths to CSI is communication and the member network. CSINext strives to do this in a virtual way. Just like any good Social Network.