The Passing of the Torch.....


Hello everyone, 
Happy New Year! least from a CSI "new year" point of view that is. That's right the CSI 2024/2025 fiscal year is upon us. It marks the end of a very successful 2023/2024 for CSINext, and in a bittersweet way it marks the end of my role as Chapter President. So, before the official "passing of the torch" to our new Chapter President, I would like to close out my tenure with this short message to the CSINext Board of Directors and chapter members...

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Coming Down The Home Stretch....


Greetings everyone! It's been a minute or two, and like the title above - CSINext is heading down the home stretch of fiscal year 23/24. As we approach the end of the "CSI Year" and  beginning of the summer months it is with great anticipation that we are beginning to plan for CSINext's 24/25 year. More to come on that in the next couple of months...but let's take a look at what has been coming down the stretch with CSINext of late...

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CSINext May 2024 Chapter Meeting


Greetings! We will be conducting our May 2024 Chapter Meeting and the presentation will be 6-Steps to Successful Construction Administration Presented by Corey Kurek, Jason Puestow, Steve Etelamaki, and Russell Owens of Plunkett Raysich Architects. Mark your calendars for May 15, 2024 at 12:00pm EDT. We look forward to having you attend this free webinar, register today as space is limited!

Construction Specifications Institute

CSINext Chapter
May 2024 Meeting

Meeting Date: May 15, 2024
Meeting Time: 12:00pm EDT
Meeting  RSVP:

Speaker(s): Corey Kurek, Jason Puestow, Steve Etelemaki, Russel Owens


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CSINext April Chapter Meeting - "Island Style"


Greetings! We will be conducting our April Chapter Meeting and the presentation will be "CSI - Building Island Style" Presented by Emily Hobbs. Mark your calendars for April 30th at 12:00pm EDT. We look forward to having you attend this free webinar, register today as space is limited!

Construction Specifications Institute

CSINext Chapter
April 2024 Meeting

Meeting Date: April 30th, 2024
Meeting Time: 12:00pm EDT
Meeting  RSVP:

Speaker: Emily Hobbs


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Love Is In The Air at CSINext!


February....interesting month February can be. While the month is typically short (although this year is a leap year we get that one extra day), it is typically the longest month of the year around these parts - or at least it feels like it because it just seems to drag on. But, optimism abounds! We hope the ground hog brings us an early spring, the winter is close to coming to an end, and most of all February is known for having "love in the air".  And there are two things I absolutely LOVE  about CSINext this time of year....

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Help Wanted!


Hey everyone!

CSINext has some exciting opportunities available for anyone interested enhancing the CSINext Chapter experience!

Are you interested in helping shape the future of CSINext? 

This year the Chapter will have a Director position open on the Board starting July 1, 2024, with a service period ending June 30, 2026. Being a Chapter Director is a great way to get introduced to the inner workings of the Chapter and further developing leadership skills.

Are you a "techy"? Does working with phone apps, websites, and pretty much anything else in the technical electronics world excite you? Well look no further than CSINext’ s Electronic committee! As technology moves forward, keeping CSINext on the forefront with the latest capability, the Chapter is looking for folks who may be interested in helping with website updates and operation, mobile applications, newsletter distribution, etc., 

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Reflecting on 2023.......


Hi everyone, 

In just a few days 2023 will leave us, and 2024 will be upon us. During the time between Christmas and New Years some of us are taking a much needed break, some are catching up on things and getting ready for the New Year, and some of a little bit of both. 
Me, I am in the last category mostly, but one of the things I try to do is note a few of the highlights from the year, both from a professional and personal viewpoint.

So here were the big things from 2023:

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Holiday Wishes & a Happy New Year to All!


Hello everyone, warm Holiday Greetings from the crew here at CSINext! 

As we are all very busy during this time of year, just wanted to take a quick minute to thank each of our chapter sponsors, the CSINext Board of Directors, and our chapter members for making the first half of the 23/24 CSI year a rousing success!

Just last week we completed our "Don't Get Your Tinsle in a Tangle" December chapter program which offered four separate 1hr. sessions covering AIA documents, Specifying LEED within projects, Pre-cast concrete wall applications, and a case study of a Low Carbon Concrete application. The programs were specifically geared to LU's and HSW credits - which are typically heavily sought after towards end of the calendar year. With over 72 attendees we made sure any "procrastinating shoppers" had stocking stuffers for their professional credit programs. Thanks to everyone who participated! We have received great feedback and are looking at doing another group of session next year!

Chapter membership continues to grow and we are seeing a lot of "new to CSI" members join us as well which is even more exciting!

January 17th, 2024 at 12pm Eastern US CSINext will conduct its first monthly program of 2024 presented to by chapter sponsor AWI! Those of you who have attended AWI's presentations in years past know this is a can't miss. Keep an eye out on the CSINext website for sign up info!

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BREAKING NEWS - November Chapter Meeting to Be Rescheduled


Hello everyone, 

Due to last minute conflicts, we are going to reschedule the November 15th AIA Document presentation for later this month. 

An exact date and time, has not been confirmed yet.

Information will be following shortly once confirmed with the presenters - but rest assured we will be conducting the program.

We apologize for the late notification – please keep an eye out in your emails, the CSINext website, CSINext LinkedIn page, the CSI LinkedIn page, and the CSI Calendar of Events for updated information.

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Hello everyone, 

We are extremely sorry to announce that due to an unexpected emergency the CSCC staff will not be able to conduct the scheduled CDT Bootcamp scheduled for tomorrow Saturday October 28, 2023 from 9am-4:30pm US EST.

The CDT Bootcamp session scheduled for 10/28/23 has been cancelled.

Have no fear, the session has been rescheduled for: Saturday November 4th from 9am-4:30pm US EST. 

If you have already paid and cannot make the new session please reach out to Dean Bortz at Columbus State Community College (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Dean will work with us here at CSINext to ensure your registration fee is returned. 

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The Man in the Arena...


Let’s face it folks…no matter your role in this this business…. it’s tough. A rewarding business but a tough one. This week has just been one of those weeks – that whatever could go wrong went wrong. At times I felt like I had everything back under control and not ten minutes later I'd feel like the guy on the bottom of a rugby pile. One of those "Why am I doing this to myself" kind of weeks! 

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There Is A Season...Turn...Turn...Turn...


Well folks, it is that time of year again - the summer months have waned off, fall has set in, and we are fast approaching the official start of the "Holiday Season". And with that come scents of fresh baked pies, yule logs in the fireplace, and the tradition of spending time with family, loved ones, friends and neighbors. In the immortal words of the Byrd’s..."There is season...turn turn turn". 

As in years past at this time, I always take time to reflect to what I am thankful for this time of year with life in general, but also with this chapter and CSI. I am going to focus on the latter this month. 

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It Isn't Easy Being Green


Kermit the Frog was right...."It's not easy being green". 

Every one of us was "green" to some degree when we got started in this industry. Fresh out of school, wide eyed, bushy tailed, excited, nervous, unsure what to expect. But hey - we were armed with our education, job offers, our hard hats on, steel toes laced up, and drafting machines squared up, as we entered into our respective architectural, engineering, and construction fields. Ready to conquer the world as they say right!?

Then BAM! There we were...dropped into in the real world...smacked in the face with reality....and on our own to navigate the ever changing world that is the AECO world.   

So, what drove this topic you may ask? 

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10 Random Thoughts.....


The CSI Conference is always a whirlwind. A fun whirlwind though....seeing old friends and colleagues, making new ones, educational sessions to go to, topics to follow up on, networking, networking, networking, I need a happy hour....more networking, dinners, lunches, breakfasts...and somewhere in there some sleep. 

So it takes a few days to decompress, organize all the new information, follow up with all the new contacts one has made....and then sit back and think about all of it. 

So as I made my way home on the plane back to Cincinnati, I thought back at the three awesome days that is the CSI National conference...thought about what I learned, what I heard, what we need to work on as an industry....

Here are some of the things that popped into my head....

  • No matter your depth of experience, one can always learn something from their peers. We are all students, we are all educators. 
  • CSI is THE place for AECO professionals, where else can you find in one place - folks who make the product, provide the product, design and specify the product, and build the product? Nowhere except here! 
  • It is refreshing, and inspiring to see and speak with so many young professionals who are attending CSI events.
  • Nothing is more nerve wracking than presenting to your peers...on the flip side there is nothing more satisying than being congratulated and told job well done at the end!
  • A wise man once said - "Everthing you want is right outside of your comfort zone".
  • A wise woman once said - "Your brand is what people say about you when you aren't in the room".
  • I missed my CSI colleagues who weren't able to make it this year....fingers crossed ya'll get to Houston next year!
  • Leadership is not a specator sport. Encourage. Inspire. Be authentic.
  • The digital future of this industry is something to be in awe of....but scary at the same time.
  • Greek proverb -  "A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit”. It is up to us to help build the industry work force of the future. 

Now that we are all back and settled down - what random thoughts did you come away with? 

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Turning the World on With a Smile!!!

Mary Tyler Moor Statue Minneapolis

Greetings everyone!

Hope everyone is smiling as much as we are here at CSINext! Fresh back from the CSI National Conference in Minneapolis, I would be remiss without paying homage to one of the great TV shows of my childhood, the Mary Tyler Moore Show, which took place in Minneapolis. 
For those that don't know, the show centered around Mary Tyler Moore who worked in a fictional local news room, facing numerous challenges typical for the time. The show appealed to an audience facing the new trials of the early modern 1970's. And as the theme song asks..."who can turn the world on with a smile?". That would be CSINext...because we have a lot to smile about! 

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They Are At The Post!.......


Annnnndddd we’re off!

That’s right folks, it is May.  And when the first Saturday in May rolls around it is time for the Kentucky Derby, what could be considered the most famous horse race in the world.  Hundreds of thousands of people, from around the world gather, in Louisville, Kentucky the first weekend of May to take part in festivities and watch what has been dubbed “The Run for the Roses” and the “Most Exciting Two Minutes in Sports.” So, who do I think is going to win this year’s Derby?  Well…if I was a betting man (and I am), I would place a “Boxed Superfecta” (4 horses to finish 1,2,3,4 in any order) bet on CSINext! No folks, I haven’t lost my mind….

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Hello everyone, Spring as arrived, baseball season is underway, and to borrow a cliché’ from former Cincinnati Reds great and Hall of Fame announcer Joe Nuxhall we here at CSINext are “rounding third and heading for home.”

That is right folks CSINext is getting ready to slide “Charlie Hustle” style, headfirst into the last quarter of the CSI fiscal. And what a trip around the bases it has been this year! We have really "hit it outta the park" as they say!

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March Madness Is Here - Time for Cheer & Green Beer!!!


Well folks March is here; the winter cold is slowly moving out giving us a start to some very warm days and the opportunity to mingle with those who are coming out of hibernation.  As the saying goes, LET THE MADNESS BEGIN!

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Special Delivery for CSINext!


Roses are red, violets are blue, boy I wish winter was over don’t you? Slowly we are getting there folks, while February may be ripe with sounds of snowplows and shovels for some, the sounds of cheers, jeers, and ripped up college basketball brackets is just around the corner in March. 

Speaking of around the corner…I hear the beeping sound of a delivery truck (OSHA compliant of course) backing up to the CSINext dock for a delivery.

Well would you look at that?  A large box from the “Programs Department,” and one from “Certification Preparation.” Well, why wait…lets open these bad boys up and see what we have.

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Happy New Year & Welcome to CSINext 2023!


Happy New Year folks and welcome to 2023!

Hoping everyone in the CSINext family had a safe and joyous Holiday season!

Taking a quick look back at 2022, what a great year it was here at CSINext.  Our membership grew to over 120 members from within the United States and around the world, we had several members achieve their CSI professional certifications, we collaborated with Columbus State Community College to present the CSI CDT Bootcamp, Margaret Fischer of the Architectural Woodwork Institute knocked it out of the park with the AWI Casework Storage Standard presentation in December to finish out the year, and our Chapter sponsors continue to grow and support us in making CSINext one of the most unique and noted Chapters within CSI.

With all that, you are probably wondering if 2023 can top it right? The answer is a resounding YES. 

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