The "Why" of CSI

Last week in Nashville, CSI folks gathered for the first time in over a year to network, learn, and celebrate the achievements of our peers at the 2021 CSI National Conference.  And while it wasn’t like conferences in the past, it was still a great time, and for those CSINext members that were unable to attend you were greatly missed! 

Welcome to "The Punch List"

Hello everyone and welcome to “The Punch List” … finally!  I could toss in the usual excuses for not getting this column started long ago….you know like being overloaded at work, being consumed in completing graduate school, “honey-do lists”, labor shortages, and a global pandemic…all of which are true….but truth be told…I just hadn’t gotten around to it. Sounds like a job site excuse right?  Well with this first entry that is all about to change.

CSINext May 2021 Meeting

Greetings! We will be conducting our May Chapter Meeting and the presentation will be "Masonry Restoration Systems" Presented by Dennis Rude, Stonecutter and Founder of Cathedral Stone Products, Inc. Mark your calendars for May 6th at 4:00pm EDT. We look forward to having you attend this free webinar, register today as space is limited!

CSINext April 2021 Meeting

Greetings! We will be conducting our April Chapter Meeting and the presentation will be "Healthcare Color & Design Trends" Presented by Lynsey Hankins with PPG. Mark your calendars for April 1st at 4:00pm EDT. We look forward to having you attend this free webinar, register today as space is limited!

Welcome CSINext New Members!

Starting off the new year with more new members. CSINext continues to grow! CSINext is please to welcome the following CSI member to CSINext.

  • February 2021 - Lauren Roddy, CSI-EP
  • March 2021 - Rhonda Hansson, CSI-EP


CSINext March 2021 Anniversaries

Each of the following members joined CSI in March. CSINext is please to congratulate the following CSI members on their continued membership.

  • 3 Year - David Graham, CSI
  • 7 Years - Brian Stephens, CSI, CCCA
  • 8 Years - Suzan Jordan, CSI, CCPR, CDT
  • 9 Years - Randall Watterson, CSI, CDT
  • 21 Years - Daniel Hargreaves, FCSI, CDT, AIA, RAS, LEED Assoc.

Once again, CSINext really appreciate everyone's continued membership in CSI.

Social Browsing

Yesterday was a great day in Tucson from my point of view. What made it so great? Well, first it is the little things. I keep a pretty low bar, so it doesn’t take much. But the greatness came from the temperature being 74 degrees while driving my 2001 Miata home with the top down. This is my second convertible, if you have never owned one… well it is hard to explain. On my drive home, enjoying the wind in my hair and sun on my face I started thinking about my latest Web Browser. This is my latest switch over the past 25 years.

An Organized Family

The title requires a little understanding of Revit. I note this because the as far as I can tell the term is unique to Revit. ArchiCAD uses term Components & GDL. Vectorworks calls them Plug-In-Object (PIO). I can keep dissecting the term but for now, I wanted to focus on the software I utilize for my production. In the days of CAD we had Blocks. These were small drawings that could repeat the graphical part of a drawing over and over while holding different attributes of information. 

CSINext February 2021 Anniversaries

Each of the following members joined CSI in February. CSINext is please to congratulate the following CSI members on their continued membership.

  • 1 Year - Mark Nakagawa, CSI
  • 4 Years - Sasha King, CSI, CDT, AIA, LEED AP
  • 9 Years - Joni Zimmerman, CSI, CDT
  • 11 Years - Karen Nelson, CSI, CDT
  • 33 Years - James Whitfield II, FCSI, CCPR, CTC, LEED AP, USGBC


Welcome CSINext New Members!

Starting off the new year with new members. CSINext continues to grow! CSINext is please to welcome the following CSI member to CSINext.

  • January 2021 - Adrian Weatherby, CSI-S


CSINext January 2021 Anniversaries

Each of the following members joined CSI in January. CSINext is please to congratulate the following CSI members on their continued membership.

  • 7 Year - Christopher Bennett, CSI, CDT, AIA
  • 10 Years - Taylor Coley, CSI
  • 16 Years - Keith Robinson, FCSI, CSC, FCSC, LEED AP, RSW
  • 26 Years - Louise Schlatter, RA, CSI, CCS, CDT, AIA, EIT, LEED AP, NCARB
  • 30 Years - William Rains Jr., CSI, CDT
  • 36 Years - Lee Orosco, FCSI, CCS
  • 42 Years - Terrence Lunn, PE, FCSI, CCS

Special Shout out to Taylor Coley, CSI for 10 years and William Rains Jr., CSI, CDT for 30 years of continuous membership in CSI!

Once again, we really appreciate everyone's continued membership in CSI.

CSINext March 2021 Meeting

Greetings! We will be conducting our February Chapter Meeting and the presentation will be "Trauma Informed Design: Designing for Dignity, Healing, and Joy" Panel Discussion hosted by Laura Rossbert with Shopworks Architecture . Mark your calendars for March 4th at 4:00pm EST. We look forward to having you attend this free webinar, register today as space is limited!

CDT Study Group


Daryl Robinson, FCSI, CDT®, CCS, (Crandic & Pikes Peak Chapters/Certification Chair of North Central & Southwest Regions) and Michael Young, FCSI, CDT®, CCS, CCCA, (Denver & CSINext Chapters/Certification Chair of Denver Chapter) cordially invite you to participate in an upcoming series of online presentations. It is our belief that every CSI member should have the CDT® certification suffix after their name.

Therefore, please plan on participating in our upcoming Online CDT® Study Group, which will begin on February 9, 2021. The diversity of CSI members makes for a wide range of perspectives and experiences, which can be shared between the members attending the Study Group. In fact, we are in the process of assembling a group of “professors” who will lead various portions of the Study Group discussions as subject matter experts. The Study Group is offered for free to CSI members and for only $100 to non- members. See additional information about the separate registration for the CDT® Exam below.

Having BIM Vision

Growing up, I enjoyed art. My mom was an artist and I’m blessed that she passed on the skill to me. I’ve been drafting, painting and sketching for as long as I can remember. Around the age of 13 I knew I wanted to be an Architect. I wasn’t sure what that meant, but I knew it was about taking a vision and putting it to paper. I really enjoyed doing the technical drawings in 7th grade and for Christmas, I got my first drafting set. It included a small drafting board, Tee-square, 2 triangles, French curve and few pencils. I still have the French curve and probably should frame it. A few years ago, I put together my first presentation on Digital Art. 

CSINext February 2021 Meeting

Greetings! We will be conducting our February Chapter Meeting and the presentation will be "Gamificiation & Construction: Transcending the Way the Industry Motivates, Operates, and Trains its Workers" Presented by Mark Ogg. Mark your calendars for February 4th at 4:00pm EST. We look forward to having you attend this free webinar, register today as space is limited!

Having Vision

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the accessible route. I included one of my favorite internet photos of the stair with a ramp added to it. Most of the time when we think about accessibility, a wheelchair is typically envisioned. While this an easy to grasp concept, the ADA is more than just the wheelchair. It accounts for all aspects of accessibility. This includes the blind, those on crutches and other limited mobility challenges.

A year, 2020

I was taking this past week off from work, projects and almost everything that used my time. However, I did set time aside for my family and video games. This has been a very relaxing week, I even stayed off the computer for the most part. My daughter and I have been tackling some classic games and discovering new ones. I wanted to reflect on a few different levels as to what has transpired over the past 365 days. There was a lot that happened besides the COVID-19 pandemic. 

a one and a two and a three

As I was thinking about Sheet Numbering, I starting strolling back through memory lane. I have some vague memories about sheet numbering from the 80’s. With CAD bringing a level of organization and limits to a file name in DOS, consistent numbering became more important at retrieval of the file. I wrote my own standards back in 1991. I adapted these as times and projects changed. Finally, in 2003, I drank the Kool-Aid and adopted to the National CAD Standards (NCS).

CSINext January 2021 Meeting

Greetings! We will be conducting our January Chapter Meeting and the presentation will be "Thermal Breaks in Cladding Support Attachment Assemblies" Presented by Luana Buratynski & Joe Baz. Mark your calendars for January 7th at 4:00pm EST. We look forward to having you attend this free webinar, register today as space is limited!

The Non-Ramp

Last week I outlined several ideas for up-and-coming blog post. This is the first one on Accessibility and getting myself back on track to writing the blog. Texas at the turn of the millennium opened up their Registered Accessibility program to non-government employees of TDLR. At this point the ADA and Texas Accessibly Standards were 8 & 6 years old respectively. It took me a couple of years, but in 2004, I decided to go to the Texas Accessibility Academy and get registered.