What started out on the CSI Leader Discussion about the last of the DCP for this decade has turned into a fun little debate. The discussion was on when a decade ends and begins. Almost 2 years ago I did a blog on Frīgedæg, which is old English for Friday. It is a fun read and you can enter the “way-back-machine” by clicking the link But back to the present. The discussion got me thinking about the end of decade, then December.
The Slider
The Slider… No, I’m not talking about Baseball. Even though it is a topic near and dear to me. But I’m not the die-hard fan like Dennis DeLisse. I’m talking about the slide show on the home page. This is kind of a follow up to the 10 Years of CSINext. With that, let's jump into a little history of the Home Page and the Slide Show.
CSINext December 2019 Meeting
Greetings! We will be conducting our November Chapter Meeting and the presentation will be "Welcome to the Vendor Jungle" Presented by Casey F. Robb, FCSI, CCPR, CDT, LEED AP. Mark your calendars for December 5th at 4:00pm EST. We look forward to having you attend this free webinar, register today as space is limited!
CSINext December 2019 Anniversaries
Each of the following members joined CSI in December. CSINext is please to congratulate the following CSI members on their continued membership.
- 1 Year - Brent Williams, CSI, CDT
- 3 Years - Todd Hansen, CSI, CDT
- 3 Years - Richard de Campo, PE, CSI, CCS, CDT, AIA
- 11 Years - Ryan Harrington, CSI, CDT
- 12 Years - Kazim Kanani, CSI, CDT, Assoc. AIA, CSC
- 15 Years - William Desrosiers, CSI, CCPR, CDT
- 24 Years - Daryl Robinson, RA, FCSI, CCS, CDT, AIA, LEED GA
- 25 Years - Edgardo Cruz, CSI, CDT, M. Arch
- 30 Years - Kent Kile, FCSI, CCPR
Special Shout out to Kent Kile, FCSI, CDT, CCPR for 30 years of continuous membership in CSI!
10 years Later
“At the November 17, 2009 CSI Board Meeting, the first virtual chapter was chartered, its name is CSINext. This is the brainchild of CSI Member Brent Williams. With social media storming through the internet like wildfire, CSINext is the next evolution of the CSI chapter.” This was a quote from the initial press release distributed to different sources.
CSINext November 2019 Anniversaries
Each of the following members joined CSI in November. CSINext is please to congratulate the following CSI members on their continued membership.
- 2 Year - Kevin Tish, CSI, CDT, AHC, EHC
- 4 Years - Richard Linsky, CSI, CDT, AIA, NCARB
- 18 Years - Jack Morgan, RA, FCSI, CCS, CCCA, CDT, AIA, LEED GA, NCARB, SCIP, USGBC
AWI and SMA Lead New Stair and Railing Standards Development Through ANSI Process
The Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWI) has announced that the Stairbuilders and Manufacturers Association (SMA) will be collaborative partners in the development of a new AWI/SMA 0643 – Wood-Stair, Handrail, and Guard Systems draft standard through AWI's ANSI-approved process.
Hold the Door, please…
We all have either said it or heard it. “Hold the Door, Please.” I work in one of the few mid-rise buildings in Tucson. It is just short of high-rise depending on the definition. I’ve always played by the rules of up to 3 stories is low-rise, up to 12 stories is mid-rise, up to 40 stories is high-rise and finally anything over 40 stories is a skyscraper. The point isn’t to start a debate about what defines a multi-story building. This is just how I wrap my mind around it. Back to being in a mid-rise, my office building is 9 stories and I’m on the 6th floor.
CSINext November 2019 Meeting
Greetings! We will be conducting our November Chapter Meeting and the presentation will be "Changing the Language of Concrete" Presented by Chris Bennett, CSI & Keith Robinson, FCSI, CSC, FCSC, LEED AP, RSW. Mark your calendars for November 7th at 4:00pm EDT. We look forward to having you attend this free webinar, register today as space is limited!
What’s for Lunch?
After several heavy and deep-thinking blogs, I needed to do something light. I realized, the other day driving back from a client meeting “Hey this is Tuesday, and I forgot to do a blog”. Still recovering from the lost month of the computers plus travel and before I knew it, Wednesday came to a close. However, just a couple of days ago I headed out of the office for a client meeting. I went to the meeting with a couple of my co-workers and on the way back we realized it was close to lunch. I noted that I saw this little café and we should go there. I’m the first to admit, I enjoy food.
It takes two
A couple of weeks ago, I expressed the details of a ‘hefty ransom’. After rebuilding the servers, workstations, traveling to Alaska and meeting my deadlines on 2 projects. I can only say I’m so glad that September is over. This week CONSTRUCT is kicking off. This is the first year in several years that I will miss. However, we are trying a new bold experiment, to host a Town Hall from the CSI both at CONSTRUCT, Thursday at 1:00pm EDT.
CSINext October 2019 Anniversaries
Each of the following members joined CSI in October. CSINext is please to congratulate the following CSI members on their continued membership.
- 1 Year - John Koessler, CSI
- 1 Year - Mazen Najar, BS, MBA, CSI, PMP
- 4 Years - Jeffrey Mosley, CSI
- 5 Years - Matthew Avard, CSI-EP, LEED GA
- 24 Years - Lynn Javoroski, FCSI, Member Emeritus, CCS, LEED AP, SCIP
- 27 Years - Michael Young, FCSI, CCCA
- 29 Years - Robert Dye, FCSI, CCS, CCCA, LEED AP, RRC
- 33 Years - Helaine Robinson, CSI, CCS, CCCA, SCIP
Special shout out to Matthew Avard, CSI-EP, LEED GA for celebrating 5 years with CSI!
CSINext October 2019 Meeting
Greetings! We will be conducting our October Chapter Meeting in a new format only possible with CSINext, this will be a live Town Hall from Construct via ZOOM. This will be our attempt at this on site, it will be hosted by Secretary Cynthia Belisle and via tele-conference from Ohio CSINext President Thad Goodman and from Tucson Daniel Hargreaves. Mark your calendars for October 10th at 1:00pm EDT. We look forward to having you attend this free Webinar event or joining us live at CONSTRUCT.
CSINext Announces a Scholarship!
The CSINext Chapter has awarded Blake Keller, a student at Greenville Technical College, the inaugural Built Environment Preparatory (BEPREP)Emerging Professionals Scholarship sponsored by PPG Paints.
Greenville Technical College is one of the 23 schools that participated in the BEPREP program. Their Professor Cari Anderson saw the value of teaching CDT® principles in the classroom to help prepare his/her students for their futures in the AEC Community.
A Hefty Ransom
Two Friday’s ago, was a good day. Or at least it started that way. I had wrapped up a half day planning session for a new district office building. The location of work I do, I am usually out of cell range. This was no exception. When I drove into cell range, a LOT of messages started to come through via text and email. Sifting through them was a bit of a challenge. Now for the meat of the blog, this message is going to turn into a public service. We all know the rules when it comes to the internet, but we have become creatures of habit and forget some of the basics. Our office got hit by ransomware. This is probably the same you have heard on the news about cities, institutions, banks, etc. getting all of their files encrypted and then having to pay or reconstruct from back up.
This month we announce a new experience for our chapter members…
We are having a LIVE meeting for anyone arranging CONSTRUCT.
YES, meet your fellow chapter members IN PERSON.
SPEAK to them, look them in the eye, shake their hand and say “HI!”
The Break
I woke up today and realized it is September. My absence started out as a Coffee Break. Then a Mini Break. Followed by the Summer Break. Well, Fall is around the corner, it is time to get away from the Break and start Blogging again. I haven’t been idle; I was just changing some of my priorities and I don’t know why I let the Blog fall to the wayside.
Welcome CSINext New Members!
CSINext continues to grow! CSINext is please to welcome the following CSI member to CSINext.
- David Oglesby, CSI, CCS, CCCA, CDT, SCIP
CSINext September 2019 Anniversaries
Each of the following members joined CSI in September. CSINext is please to congratulate the follow CSI members on their continued membership.
- 2 Year - Craig Stanton, CSI, CDT
- 2 Year - Nicole Milton, CSI-S
- 16 Years - Georgia Spencer, CSI, CDT
- 20 Years - Nina Giglio, FCSI, CCS, SCIP
- 34 Years - Lane Beougher, FCSI, Lifetime Member, CCS, CCCA, AIA, CSC, DBIA, LEED AP
- 34 Years - Janet Piccola, FCSI
A very special shout out to Nina Giglio, FCSI, CCS, CDT, AIA, LEED AP, SCIP for reaching the 20 year anniversary! Congratulations!
CSINext August 2019 Anniversaries
Each of the following members joined CSI in August. CSINext is please to congratulate the following CSI members on their continued membership.
- 1 Year - Scott Ficklin, CSI, CDT
- 1 Year - Anthony Lucero, CSI
- 1 Year - Luana Buratynski, CSI
- 7 Years - Robert LeClare, CSI, CCPR
- 28 Years - Ann Baker, RA, FCSI, CCS, CCCA, LEED AP, SCIP
Once again, we really appreciate everyone's continued membership in CSI.