Reflecting on 2023.......

Hi everyone, 

In just a few days 2023 will leave us, and 2024 will be upon us. During the time between Christmas and New Years some of us are taking a much needed break, some are catching up on things and getting ready for the New Year, and some of a little bit of both. 
Me, I am in the last category mostly, but one of the things I try to do is note a few of the highlights from the year, both from a professional and personal viewpoint.

So here were the big things from 2023:

  • Representing the CSINext Chapter and presenting at the National Conference in Minneapolis - always an honor to share knowledge ideas, and feedback from your industry peers
  • Watching the footprint, capability, and impact of CSINext grow every month
  • Experiencing the energy our newest young professional CSI members have for this organization - we are in a good spot for the the future
  • Alaska is truly "The Last Frontier" - what amazing people, culture, and land that state has. And moose....moose are VERY large animals!
  • Practicing authentic leadership continues to be an amazing personal journey
  • The value of family, friends, and good neighbors can never be underestimated

So what are your highlights from 2023? 

Happy New Year everyone - see you in 2024!

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CSINext January 2024 Meeting
Holiday Wishes & a Happy New Year to All!


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