Lots of Treats in store for CSINext!!!

Hello again everyone, and welcome to October! The fall season is upon us here at CSINext, and as we begin to put away the summer we are equally getting ready for the upcoming Holiday and winter season.  As Halloween is approaching, CSINext has made sure our members have more treats than tricks! Let’s dig into the candy bucket and see what we have on tap…..

For starters, on October 20th at 12Noon US EST – Collette Hart with Allied Technical Sales will be presenting to the Chapter on the effective use of high-pressure laminates in the application of rain screens.  Attendance is free and you can sign up on the CSINext webpage.  We are looking forward to a very informative and interactive presentation!

Next up, as I mentioned last month, Luana Burantynski (CSINext Director) has completed the resurrection of the CSINext Group on LinkedIn.  You can join the group here: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/14133706/

Luana also created a new LinkedIn page for us, it can be found here: https://www.linkedin.com/company/csi-next-chapter/

Thank You Luana for the work to get these resources back up and going!  It is a great way to communicate in addition to the features of our CSINext website.

On the certification front, very excited to announce CSINext has partnered with Dean Bortz, FCSI and Professor of Construction Management, with Columbus State Community College in Columbus, OH to offer the CDT Bootcamp on October 29th, 2022. Proceeds from the bootcamp session go to fund student scholarships and outreach. Dean has been offering this preparation course for several years and we are happy to lend a helping hand to a CSI friend (and Fellow) when in need. Check out the CSINext webpage for information on signing up!  Or you can contact Dean directly at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In November chapter sponsor National Gypsum will be speaking to us about Separation Walls.  CSINext Board Secretary Thad Goodman never disappoints with National Gypsums programs.  National Gypsum has been a long-standing sponsor of our little happy home here in the virtual world and we always look forward to hearing from them.

Staci Seyer’s (CSINext Director) project is still in “Top Secret” mode – so as soon as I am allowed to spill it I will.  Hang tight - it’s going to be cool!

Last week, I attended the CSI National Conference in Denver, CO.  As always, the networking and educational content was great.  I always enjoy learning new things, expanding on topics I know of, and networking with CSI folks.  This year was extra special in that we had a very good turnout amongst young and emerging professionals in our industry!  By far the best turnout I have seen in several years of attending.  Unfortunately, not all the CSINext Board was able to make it this year and to Daniel, Thad, Staci, and Luana you were greatly missed!  Past President Kathryn Marek and myself spent a lot of time talking with folks about CSINext and I can tell you firsthand there is tremendous support for and interest in our Chapter. Not only from within the general membership but with the CSI Board of Directors as well.  In the coming months I am looking forward to continuing those discussions with several BOD members on initiatives that will expand the capability and reach of the Chapter.  And, just in case you haven’t heard – next years conference will be held October 4-6th in Minneapolis, MN.  Hope to see all of you there!

Interested in starting a topic of discussion or getting to know your other Chapter members?  Check out the discussion board on CSINext, the current list of blogs, or ask to start a blog of your own…someone is always talking about something! And we are always looking for volunteers to help out so if you are interested in becoming involved a little deeper the goings on of CSINext please reach out to a Board member and we will be happy to chat with you.

And again….  THANK YOU for making CSINext your Home Chapter!!!!

Till next time, Mark

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CSINext November 2022 Meeting
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