Greetings everyone!
Hope everyone is smiling as much as we are here at CSINext! Fresh back from the CSI National Conference in Minneapolis, I would be remiss without paying homage to one of the great TV shows of my childhood, the Mary Tyler Moore Show, which took place in Minneapolis.
For those that don't know, the show centered around Mary Tyler Moore who worked in a fictional local news room, facing numerous challenges typical for the time. The show appealed to an audience facing the new trials of the early modern 1970's. And as the theme song asks..."who can turn the world on with a smile?". That would be CSINext...because we have a lot to smile about!
It's been a little bit since I last posted here. Between taking some much needed time off this summer, and working with our Board getting the new year organized, kicked off, and having a second to catch my breath we are ready to go. I am proud to be serving as your Chapter President once again this year, and could not be happier with our current Board of Directors who will continue to lead this Chapter even further into the future. Speaking of future....
This past week in Minneapolis, I was able to sit down with our President Elect for next year Luana Burantynski. For those of you who don't know Luana she is part of CSI Canada as well as CSI and has been a CSINext Director for the last few years. In short, she has fantastic leadership skills, and high energy for this Chapter - so fasten your seat belt folks!
Chapter Secretary Lane Beougher was able to secure us an exciting program to be presented in 2024 - but I am not going to spill the beans just yet!!
Presenting in front of your peers is always (and probably always will be) nerve wracking! But, it is also a rewarding and fulfilling experience to share your knowledge and passion for this industry with those that do the same. Although not on the original presenters list this year, about two weeks before the conference I was asked by a longtime CSI friend, CSINext member, CSI Fellow, and current CSI Board of Directors member if I could present their topic as they would not be able to attend. Who would say "no" to that right? If there is one word in CSI that I have never heard when someone asks for is not "no". I would like to send a huge THANK YOU to CSINext member, CSI Fellow, and current CSI Board Treasurer Mr. Mike Young for having the confidence in me to present the topic of "Influencing our Industry's Future through Participation in Education". I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to interact with our current industry professionals, young emerging professionals, and educators who were in attendance at the session. Being this is a topic I am passionate about as well, it was by no means easy. I hope I did you proud Mike! Looking forward to seeing you next year in Houston!
So...what else is going on you ask? Well if you are looking for CDT exam prep we have it for you! Saturday October 28, 2023 from 9am - 4:30PM US EST we will be conducting the CDT Bootcamp for the third time with Dean Bortz and Columbus State Community College! No 6am reveille, no 5 mile runs, just 7 hours of solid exam preparation study with Dean for the CDT exam.
As we move into the last 3 months of 2023 we have programs coming up fire and sound solutions, AIA contract documents, and a special surprise from Santa in December so stay tuned!
And the spirit of Mary Tyler Moore...."You're gonna make it after all!"
Till next time,
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